
TTerm Connect Knowledgebase Articles

Knowledgebase articles for TTerm Connect, centrally managed, browser based HTML5 terminal emulator.

  • TTerm Connect


This article contains instructions on how to modify the administrator password in TTerm Connect. The operation may be performed at any time, however note that when installed, TTerm Connect's built in 'admin' user account uses a default password and on…

  • TTerm Connect


Users and groups provide access control for the TTerm Connect Administrator Portal and Desktop Client as well as determining which profiles a user will be able to access through the desktop client. This article describes how you can add new …

  • TTerm Connect

- TTerm Connect can be configured to send various system notifications and alerts to a general administrator email, ensuring you are always informed of changes to the system status.…

  • TTerm Connect

- This article contains instructions for configuring keyboard mapping and creating customized mapped key functions in TTerm Connect. …

  • TTerm Connect

- This article describes configuring Microsoft’s IIS Webserver for use with a newly installed TTerm Connect. …

  • TTerm Connect


By default when your users login to TTerm Connect they must click or tap from a collection of profile shortcuts before being connected to a host system. This FAQ explains how you can configure TTerm Connect to automatically connect to a host after the…

  • TTerm Connect


Embedded TTerm Connect is a special mode of TTerm Connect where an instance of TTerm Connect can be added to your own webpage, either custom built or existing. It requiring some competence in web development (Javascript, html etc) to deploy.…

  • TTerm Connect


A hotspot is a dynamically created button which is overlaid on the terminal screen and triggers a predefined event when clicked or tapped. When combined with a macro, any text on the terminal display can be turned into a clickable (or tappable for tho…

  • TTerm Connect

- Website caching enables the storing of previously retrieved web page content and resources for faster repeat viewing and an overall improved user experience.…

  • TTerm Connect


The TTerm Connect Javascript API is aimed at web developers whose task it is to create and maintain an embedded version of TTerm Connect within an existing of custom made webpage. TTerm Connect version 2.0 has brought in a range of changes a…

  • TTerm Connect

- TTerm Connect uses access rules to grant and limit access to a profile (a session configuration) based on user and group membership. Access is explicit, meaning all entities are denied access unless a rule specifically targeting them exists.…

  • TTerm Connect

- TTerm Connect offers several deployment configurations whose suitability will depend on various factors such as the size of the intended user base, performance requirements or the need for redundancy.…

  • TTerm Connect

- When initially installed, TTerm Connect is unlicensed and offers limited functionality. In this mode of operation you may configure the server but no host connections may be established.…

  • TTerm Connect


TTerm Connect allows you to customize the Desktop Client login page and add custom text that will be displayed directly below the Sign In button. The suggested use for this feature is to add your own organizations…

  • TTerm Connect

- By default, the TTerm Connect Desktop Client displays the TTerm Connect logo. If required, this logo may be replaced with your own organization logo or a custom image of your choice.…

  • TTerm Connect


TTerm Connect offers the option of displaying a set of custom help files that you, as administrator, can tailor to your end users’ specific needs. Your help content replaces the stock TTerm Connect help files in the Desktop Client and simp…

  • TTerm Connect

- I cannot establish a connection to my host/my terminal is not displaying correctly/keyboard input is not behaving as expected....…

  • TTerm Connect

- In an unlicensed state TTerm Connect offers limited functionality, allowing server configuration but disallowing any host connection. It is likely that TTerm Connect is either not licensed or in a state where the license process has not been completed.…

  • TTerm Connect

- These error codes will display on the Desktop Client login page. They indicate that the Desktop Client was unable to retrieve system information from the TTerm Connect server.…

  • TTerm Connect

- A serial number is a unique license number allocated to your Turbosoft software. You may be asked to provide this number when requesting support from Turbosoft.…

  • TTerm Connect

- TTerm Connect consists of a number of components and each will have it's own, slightly different version number. These components are:…

  • TTerm Connect

- If an end user sees this error in the TTerm Connect Desktop Client it means that the server based Emulation Services which provide host connectivity are currently not running. …

  • TTerm Connect

- Guest Access allows any user to access the TTerm Connect Desktop Client and a set of public host connection profiles without a TTerm Connect account. There are two important settings that must be configured to allow guest access.…

  • TTerm Connect

- The most likely cause of this issue is that no profiles have been assigned to the specific user account or any of the groups the user account is a member of.…

  • TTerm Connect

- A 404 error is the standard HTTP error code for 'page not found'.…

  • TTerm Connect

- The following information represents specifications and requirements for the most current release version of TTerm Connect. For full details visit the TTerm Connect product page.…

  • TTerm Connect

- When initially installed, TTerm Connect is unlicensed and offers limited functionality. In this mode of operation you may configure the server but no host connections may be established.…

  • TTerm Connect

- TTerm Connect supports LDAP/Active Directory for user management and access control. The following LDAP/Active Directory vendor implementations are supported:…

  • TTerm Connect

- Users of Turbosoft Windows® Terminal Emulator TTWin may import existing TTWin4 configurations into TTerm Connect. To do so, follow these steps.…

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