
This article describes configuring Microsoft’s IIS Webserver for use with a newly installed TTerm Connect.

TTerm Connect is a web-based terminal emulator and consists of two web interfaces - an Administrator Portal where TTerm Connect can be configured and managed, and a Desktop Client where your end users can access terminal emulation services.

The Desktop Client runs on top of a third-party webserver, allowing it to leverage existing industry standard software and provide reliable access to a very large number of users. TTerm Connect officially supports Microsoft’s IIS and Apache webservers, although other webservers are also possible choices.

How to Configure IIS

To access the TTerm Connect Desktop Client you must first configure the IIS Service. IIS is available for all versions of Microsoft Windows supported by TTerm Connect, however in some instances, particularly the desktop versions of Windows, it may be included but not preinstalled by default. In such cases it can be added as an optional feature. For more information see this guide for Windows 10 and Windows 11: Add, remove, or hide Windows features (microsoft.com) .

 This guide uses screenshots from IIS version 10, which is included with Windows Server 2016+ and Windows 10 and above. It suggests general configuration options, some which may be vary depending on your network and existing server configuration and circumstance.

Follow these steps to get up and running with IIS and TTerm Connect:

  1. Open the IIS Manager
  2. In the Connections pane on the left of screen, click on the server’s name or Local and then click the caret button to expand the section.
    IIS Connections pane.
  3. Right click on Sites and select Add Website... from the pop-up menu.
    IIS - Add Website menu item
  4. An Add Website pop-up window will appear, displaying a form.
    IIS - Add Website Form
    Fill in each of the items as follows:
    • Site name: Enter an internal name for your site, for example tterm_connect. This name must be unique.
    • Application Pool: The application pool for the site. When you type a website name a new application pool is created with the same name as the site. Leave this item as default.
    • Physical Path: Select the location where the desktop client site content is stored by clicking on the three dots icon to locate the installed TTerm Connect HTML directory. The default location for this is C:\inetpub\TTerm Connect\html, however during installation it’s possible to configure an alternate location. Select the appropriate folder and click OK.
    Under Binding add the following details.
    • Type: Select HTTPS if you have valid SSL certificate and have configured TTerm Connect to run over HTTPS during the installation process. Otherwise, select HTTP. Turbosoft strongly recommends that TTerm Connect is run over a secure HTTPS connection.
    • IP address: Select an IP address that users can use to access this site. Leave this item as default.
    • Port: If you set HTTPS under Type, set the port to 443. If using HTTPset the port to 80.
    • SSL Certificate: Select an SSL certificate from the dropdown list. Note that if you have set HTTP under Type this option is not visible.

    For information on how to populate the SSL Certificate list by installing SSL certificates for IIS see How to install imported certificates on a Windows-based Web server (microsoft.com) 

  5. Select the Start website immediately checkbox and click on OK.

Your TTerm Connect client website should now be running. You should be able to open a web browser to the domain name (https://www.myserver.com or http://www.myserver.com depending on the type setting) and see the TTerm Connect Desktop Client login. For a successfully login, ensure that the TTerm Connect services are also running.

The TTerm Connect Desktop Client login page.
The TTerm Connect Desktop Client login page.

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