TTerm for Linux Knowledgebase Articles
Knowledgebase articles for TTerm for Linux, comprehensive Terminal Emulator for Linux® Desktop Systems.
How to Map the Keyboard in TTerm for Linux
- This article contains instructions for configuring keyboard mapping and creating customized mapped key functions in TTerm for Linux.…
TTerm For Linux Specifications and Requirements
- The following information represents specifications and requirements for the most current release version of TTerm for Linux. For full details visit the TTerm For Linux product page.…
How to Find the Program Version Number for TTerm for Linux
- To find the software version number for TTWin for Linux follow these steps:…
How to Find Your TTerm for Linux Serial Number
- A serial number is a unique license number allocated to your Turbosoft software. You may be asked to provide this number when requesting support from Turbosoft.…
How to Use Full Screen Mode In TTerm for Linux
Full screen display is a view mode where only the terminal display is visible and other element of the user interface, such as the Session Panel, Status Bar and Menus are hid…
Importing From TTWin or TTerm Connect
- In TTerm for Linux a profile describes a set of configuration options that is used to generate a session to a host. Profiles can be imported into TTerm for Linux from a number of sources:…
How to License TTerm for Linux
- Licensing TTerm for Linux is a two-step process: uploading a license certificate and then activating that certificate. …
How Can I Force Users to Disconnect Cleanly?
- To prevent a user from closing the TTerm for Linux program or an active session without first logging off from the remote host set the following parameter in any profile: General > Session Setting > Allow manual disconnect.…