
In TTerm for Linux a profile describes a set of configuration options that is used to generate a session to a host. Profiles can be imported into TTerm for Linux from a number of sources:

  • Another TTerm for Linux installation
  • Turbosoft's Windows® Terminal Emulator TTWin 4 (version or above)
  • Turbosoft's HTML5 terminal emulation TTerm Connect (all versions)
Exporting From TTWin4

Users of Turbosoft's Windows Terminal Emulator TTWin may import existing TTWin4 configurations into TTerm for Linux. In TTWin4, profile configurations are stored as a collection of files, principally, .twc files. To export these configurations from TTWin4 follow these steps:

  1. Open TTWin4 on a Windows system.
  2. Ensure that TTWin4 is version or above. This can be confirmed by selecting Help > About > Version from the program menu.
  3. From the program menu select File > Export Configurations.
  4. In the window that appears check the .twc configuration files for export to TTerm Connect, select a destination directory and file name (file.ttexp) and click Export.
Exporting From TTerm Connect
  1. Log in to the TTerm Connect administration portal.
  2. Navigate to the Profiles Configuration page.
  3. In the Profiles table select the individual profiles you wish to export by clicking or tapping the check boxes in the left most column of the table. In the table footer, click the Export Selected button. Alternately, you may simply click or tap the Export All button to export all available profiles.
  4. You will be presented with a download pop-up. Click or tap the Download button and save the tterm.ttexp file locally.
Importing into TTerm for Linux
  1. Open the TTerm for Linux program and select File > Import Profiles from the program menu.
  2. Selecting this option will open a File Browsing window, where you can select a previously exported profile or group of profiles ( *.ttexp).
  3. On opening the file the Import Profiles tile will be displayed, listing the profile or profile resources, such as character maps, color schemes and so on, that are available for import. Select the item(s) you wish to import and click the Import button.

You can also import a profile via the Profiles Directory tab by clicking the Import from File button.

Once imported, new profiles will appear in the profile directory and be available to connect to host system.

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