By default TTWin starts with one single session loaded however, it's very simple to modify this and launch with multiple preconfigured sessions open, as shown in the screen shot below.

Adding extra session is simply a matter of modifying the shortcut used to launch the program. To do this, right click on the desktop icon or program icon in the start menu, select properties and take a look at the target textbox. You should see the following, or something very similar:
"C:\Program Files\Turbosoft\TTWin4\ttwin4.exe"
TTWin's default action is to load its default.twc configuration file a spawn a single emulation session. To load one or more different session files, simply add them to the end of the target path, like so:
"C:\Program Files\Turbosoft\TTWin4\ttwin4.exe" samples1.twc sample2.twc
Click the Apply button and launch TTWin. The software will now start with multiple sessions open using the specified configuration files.
File Paths.
Note that .twc files saved anywhere other than the default location will need a full path.