
This article contains general information about how Turbosoft products are priced and sold and the information you'll need to supply when purchasing Turbosoft software.

For any queries of further information please get in touch at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact Turbosoft on any of our freecall numbers.

How Turbosoft Products are Priced

Turbosoft products are typically priced on according to volume, so please determine how many licenses you require as significant discounts may apply.

TTerm For Linux and TTWin 4 are sold in color coded packs; red, green and blue. The sole difference between these packs is the number and type of terminal emulations that are included along with the price point. To learn more about which emulations are included in each color packs refer to the product specifications linked below. You can determine which pack is applicable to you based on the emulations required.

All other products are packaged in a single version.

Licensing Options

You should also be aware of the various types of license that are available to you such as per installation, concurrent, subscription, unlimited and site wide licenses. Find out which license type will work best for you.


Software maintenance protects your investment by providing access to all future versions of our software as well as priority, on call support and developer access for the duration of the contract.

Our maintenance contacts are reasonably priced and offered annually or over multi-year periods at discounted rates. Maintenance is optional, although highly recommended.

Discounts - Educational and Non-Profits

Turbosoft offers additional discounts for educational and non-profit entities. Please be prepared to supply evidence of your organization's status when applying for discounts.

Discounts - Crossgrades

Turbosoft offers generous discounts when moving from a competitive product to Turbosoft software. Please contact us for information on qualifying products.

New Purchases

For purchasing please contact Turbosoft and we'll put you in touch with a reseller or assist you directly where applicable.

Please note that TTerm for iPad® is only sold through the App Store and all purchases should be made there.

Extending Licenses

If you currently own Turbosoft software and wish to purchase additional licenses it is recommended that you to provide your current serial number when purchasing. Existing licenses can determine discounted pricing for additional purchases.

For any queries or for more information please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact Turbosoft on any of our freecall numbers.