Host Connectivity News and Articles (19/27)
Today we're pleased to announce the release of version 1.1.0 of our terminal emulator TTerm for iPad®. Version 1.1.0 offers many new features and a number of improvements based on user feedback and requests. Read on for some highlights:
Choosing a terminal emulator is no easy task. Initially the choice of solution will depend on the type of host you need to access, but beyond that there are many options available with widely varying price tags and features. We would, of course, recommend Turbosoft's range of terminal emulation software, but then we might just be a little biased. If you're in the market for an emulator here a few things to consider.
Today, as IBM celebrates the 50th anniversary of its System/360, mainframes are still managing 80% of the world’s corporate data.
TTWeb is Turbosoft’s web-to-host terminal emulation solution that supports host connections through a web browser or as a standalone solution. The single product providers over 80 emulations, automatic updates, and terminal configuration. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about TTWeb.