
Hewlett Packard debuted the HP 2392A terminal in 1984 for use with its highly successful HP 3000 series minicomputers and the then new HP 9000 Unix based systems. The terminal keyboard featured an eight key function group (F1 through to F8) whose operation changed dynamically and was indicated by eight matching boxes on the display of the terminals' CRT screen.

The HP 2392A also required two standard N size batteries batteries to maintain the portion of memory in which stored the terminals configuration settings.

The HP 700/92 terminal was originally released by Hewlett Packard in 1987. Among it's features was the ability to perform all configuration using menus, character and block mode operation, and built in line-drawing character set.

It was also able to operate in modes where in emulated various DEC terminals such as the VT220, VT100 and VT52.

Both of these terminals were text only.

What Turbosoft Offers for HP Terminal Emulation

Turbosoft produces two proprietary terminal emulations for the Hewlett Packard host systems in addition to around 80 other terminal emulations including a range of terminal emulation for Unix which our customers use to connect to HP Unix servers.

The HP terminals we provide emulations for are the HP2932A and the HP700/92 or, as it is occasionally referred to, the HP70092. The HP2392A and the HP70092 terminal emulations are included across our range of emulation software in TTWin 4, TTWinCE, our Windows CE offering and TTerm Connect, our web to host emulator.

Our HP2392 terminal has been in the market place for more than 20 years as it was part of our original MSDOS program. The HP70092 terminal has been a feature of our emulation software for around 15 years as it was implemented in our Windows package only. This long period of development and refinement gives an indication of the quality, accuracy and robustness of the emulations we provide for Hewlett Packard systems.

Additionally, unlike some competitive products, Turbosoft's HP2392A and HP700/92 terminal emulation software supports Telnet, Serial and Hewlett Packard's Network Services / Virtual Terminal (NS/VT) transports.

With an expanding line of products, Turbosoft is proud to offer HP2392A and HP700/92 terminal emulation for Linux® through TTerm for Linux, offering support for a range of popular distributions. Mobile device and macOS users can enjoy accurate emulation of HP terminals through our web-based terminal emulator TTerm Connect, allowing zero client install access to your host system from anywhere in the world via a browser.

Download a free trial of our desktop or server-based software below or visit the App Store to download TTerm for iPad®.

Want to learn more? Contact Turbosoft and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

Solutions for Hewlett Packard Host Systems: