
For a limited time the IBM 3270, 5250 and Pro versions of TTerm, our terminal emulation Apps for iPad, are on sale in the App Store.

For a limited time we're having a sale on our range of terminal emulation Apps for iPad. Save 30% on the regular price of TTerm 3270  for IBM mainframe connectivity and TTerm 5250  for AS400/iSeries host connectivity. Save 50% off the regular price of TTerm Pro  for the broadest terminal coverage available including Hewlett Packard, Unix, AIX, Wyse, IBM 3270, IBM 5250, Stratus, Tandem (HP NonStop), Televideo and many, many more, click here for the full list of terminal coverage and technical specifications.

TTerm 3270, TTerm 5250 and TTerm Pro are available in the App Store .

iOS7 is Here

If you're an iPad or iPhone owner you'll know that the last couple of weeks have seen some significant changes in the Apple world, with the release of several new iPhone models and the new iOS7  operating system. iOS7 is completely redesigned and has an entirely new interface. At Turbosoft we're continuing to work on improving and enhancing our TTerm apps and will be releasing an updated version of TTerm for iOS7 in the near future. Follow us on Twitter  for the latest update and release details.

TTerm for iPad® is a range of comprehensive enterprise grade terminal emulation apps for iPad device.

Built with the robust and proven emulations that our Windows products are renowned for, TTerm for iPad is a cost-effective investment for businesses looking for an iPad-compatible terminal emulator.

For product information and technical specifications, visit the TTerm for iPad product page or find us on the App Store!